【癒し系、作業用、一小時鋼琴音樂】【第三期】帶著浪漫 聆聽這天籟之音

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Thank you once again for your support in every way. Please share this with anyone who you think may need this in any capacity, all of your support make the Relaxing Music Project meaningful.

Hope you like it .Enjoy:)
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0:00:00 Hotaru no koi
0:03:48 靜謐
0:08:45 三個人的時光
0:12:31 華
0:16:06 Like a snow flower
0:23:14 The Lotus flower
0:28:02 전할 수 없는 마음
0:31:40 달 빛이 흐르는 구름 – 레브고희든
0:35:40 반야 – Reve
0:40:18 전할 수 없는 마음 – Reve
0:43:18 苦口良藥
0:46:29 秋櫻
0:51:01 初戀
0:54:45 花容月貌
0:57:53 Scarlet

Thank you once again for all of your support to Relaxing Music Project!!!
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