4k Japan Nature Healing Relaxation 癒し自然映像 新緑の蓼科高原 滝めぐり1 大滝 乙女滝 野鳥のさえずり Waterfall Tour Singing Birds



I mixed the chirping of wild birds of Tateshina Kogen that I recorded separately.

Tateshina Kogen is a plateau located in Chino, Nagano Prefecture. Tateshina mountain in the north and Yatsugatake in the east is a resort area. It belongs to Yatsugatake Nakanishi Takahara National Monumental Park. There are many sightseeing spots such as ponds, lakes, waterfalls and other places where you can sightsee for different seasons. . There is a sightseeing spot in Tateshina Kogen in walks, activities, events, food, hot springs, history, art and various genres. It is a popular place as a spot to enjoy skiing and snowboarding in winter as a summer resort.
In addition to many leisure facilities, Venus Line running through the whole length of 76 km from Chino Town to Mikahara Plateau can penetrate horizontally and horizontally and enjoy a good view as a drive course.

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